The Best Strategy & Websites To Get Free Samples In The Mail

Just imagine opening up your mailbox every single day and find something inside that you didn’t have to pay for. Getting free samples by mail is something that happens regularly and not just a dream. Advertisers are waiting for you to register so that you may receive samples of products they sell along with a coupon.

You can receive samples ranging from crackers to cereal to razors and you can do it without actually having to spend a lot of time. All you need is a good strategy as well the knowledge of free sample websites that offer the best collection of free samples.

How to Get Started

If you have decided that receiving free coupons straight to your email or free stuff straight to your mailbox is something you would like to give a try, you will require 2 specific tools to ensure that this endeavor is as painless as possible.

Get a Separate Email Address

If you sign up for 25 different offers of free samples you will not want to receive email offers from 25 separate companies to your regular inbox regularly. A better approach would be to sign up for a free email address.

You can do this using the numerous different services available. Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and Outlook are the easiest, largest, and owned by Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft respectively.

If you have all the free sample emails going to one place allows you to easily surf them and keep your regular email address for personal correspondence.

Get a Form Filler

If you are really serious about this undertaking, you will require a good form filler. A form filler refers to a program that runs on your computer that fills in form for you as opposed to having to type in the same information repeatedly.

In the past, web browsers did not have form filling capabilities built into them. However, things have changed and just about any browser has a built on form filler. Having said that, it is still recommended that you get a separate program. Most browsers such as Chrome have an auto filling setting that can help make your work much easier.

The Top 3 Free Sample Websites for 2017

The places that can send you free samples in the mail are numerous. To get you started, here are some of the top options.

1. P&G (Supersavvyme)

Proctor and Gamble is a company that make many different products and regularly gives out free samples for the people that sign up for Everyday Rewards from P&G. It is a great option for consistent P&G coupons, which are great for getting amazing deals on diapers, however, the company still has an entire section dedicated solely to free samples and usually send them to you on a random basis.

2. WOW FreeStuff

If you are looking for a resource that specializes in finding different free offers, then the WOW FreeStuff blog is what you need. The offers might not always be free samples, but they do come up regularly and have a good navigation to help you discover free sample signups.

3. FabFreeSamples

FabFreeSamples is another blog that pulls free samples from different websites. It has a consistent list of new freebies.

If you use the form filler along with the sites listed here, you will get a steady stream of free samples in the mail. It is something quite awesome and all the free samples that come with them can make your regular shopping better too.

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